Smashwords eBooks

D.e.e.L’s eBooks on Smashwords

Each story will take you on trips to different worlds, other realities. Charles Splints doesn’t take kindly to harsh words in Devil, Jaki sets out to save his people from the Dark Second Sun, and Banton is watching his perfect life fall apart before his eyes – but who’s behind it all?

According to the List – NOW FREE! is based off of a list of interview questions, it’s the easiest way to get inside my head with thumbing through my iphone.

I’ve provided both reasonably priced ebooks alongside free ones to bring something out for everyone. Not sure you want to pay .99 cents for an author you never heard of? I understand, give me a try with one of my free ebooks. Leave a comment no matter how you feel about it, I’ll appreciate it all the same.

A couple free eBooks to get you started:

The Scrubs Thief

Scrubs Thief cover

Nobody every suspected Irving McGuire, why would they? Everyone saw him as just a normal guy with a beautiful wife, three darling children. But Irving has a dark secret, one that will rock the surgery center and put everyone in peril. He is…THE SCRUBS THIEF!

I Remember

I Remember-smash-format

A short story that focuses on the love between two people. A shy man walks into a pet store and spills his story to the owner, a young woman. Love soon blossoms, but is it all real?



This collection offers another glimpse into some of my poetry that deals with heartache and life’s struggles. Poems about chasing dreams, or falling from grace only to climb back up and live again in bliss.

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