A Review for “Small Change” By Writer Andrez Bergen

Writer Andrez Bergen, the author of such comics as Bullet Gal and Trista and Holt, has come up with a collection of stories surrounding another quick-witted pair with Roy Scherer and Suzie Miller. The two of them have the classic comedic odd-couple scenario as they spend each story with their various cases. A great line from Roy that sums up their relationship pretty well comes when he responds to Suzie’s singing, “Anyone tell you, Suze, that you have the dulcet singing tone of two alley cats in a death-fight for dominance?” Isn’t he just the sweetest? It’s this comedic banter between the two that gives the stories a hilarious flare. This along with Suzie’s deadpan questioning, as seen in the quote above, gives each character their own distinct approach to the job. Check out the full review at All-Comic.com!


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